Paul Konerko and the White Sox agree to a three-year deal

konerko thinking big
PDATE: The “lovers’ spat” mentioned below is over. Bob Nightengale reports that the White Sox and Konerko have reached a three-year deal.  The details: $37.5 million total, but a huge amount of the year-three money is deferred. It will go $12 million in 2011, $12 million in 2012, $6.5 million in 2013 and then $1 million a year between 2014 and 2020.  Konerko made $12 million last year, so this is a slight raise in terms of overall value, but that deferral clearly makes this a different kind of deal.  Almost certainly Konerko’s last.
10:30 A.M.: There was news yesterday that Paul Konerko and the White Sox were on the outs. And it was understandable, as Kenny Williams suggested they were moving on from their longtime first baseman amidst reports that they wouldn’t go to $15 million a year on him.
Thing is? No one believes that Konerko will go anywhere else.  Bob Nightengale reports that other teams bidding don’t really believe they have a shot.  I spoke with a team executive in the lobby this morning — from a team that is not bidding on Konerko — and he called this business with the White Sox “a lovers’ spat.”
I’m not sure that this guy would be in a position to know anything the rest of us don’t know about this, but he certainly knows how to make coffee spew out of my nose.


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